
Registration for the laboratories for the A.Y. 2024/2025 is available and must be done from 16 September 2024, 8:00 AM until 03 November 2024, 11:59 PM.
In case it is not possible to choose a laboratory from the list offered in each degree programme, it means that no further places are available for that laboratory, and therefore the student must choose another one.

The registration has to be done every Academic Year only for the labs the student will attend in that academic year (first and second semester).
Please notice that in any case you need to add the lab also to the study plan AFTER the registration in Moodle.

After registering for the lab(s), the Moodle platform does not release any confirmation email.
Once completed, the registration can simply be checked by each student by clicking on the Moodle choice activity used to register.

In order to proceed with the registration for the laboratory(ies), student must access to the Moodle page dedicated to each degree programme.
Such pages are listed below: